Developing & Offering Assay Products
in the San Francisco Bay Area since 2003
Welcome To BioAssay Systems
BioAssay Systems develops and markets innovative and high-throughput assay solutions to satisfy the ever increasing demands of the life sciences industry. The founders of BioAssay Systems have over 50 years of extensive experience in modern drug discovery. We have developed over 250 assay kits for drug discovery and life sciences research. We pride ourselves on the services we provide and products that are simple, convenient to use, and superior in performance.
Why BioAssay Systems?
Expert Technical Support
Technical support provided by the very scientists that develop the assays.
Expansive Catalogue
With over 200 different products, acquire all your assay kit needs in one order.
Trusted Globally
Products used by clients worldwide with distributors in over 60 countries.
Quality and User-friendly
Products are extensively tested and validated prior to release so researchers need little-to-no time for assay optimization.
Competitive Prices
Because we develop and manufacture the products, our prices are lower than competitors on the market.
Featured New Releases
- Glycosaminoglycans Assay Kit
- Uric Acid Assay Kit II
- Fatty Acyl-CoA Assay Kit
- Uricase Assay Kit
- Citrate Synthase Assay Kit
- L-Arginine Assay Kit
- γ-Glutamyl Transferase Assay Kit
- Pepsin Inhibitor Assay Kit
- Leucine Aminopeptidase Assay Kit
- L-Carnitine Assay Kit
- Chymotrypsin Inhibitor Assay Kit
- Fecal Occult Blood Test Strips
- ABTS Antioxidant Assay Kit
- Total Carbohydrate Assay Kit
- Trypsin Inhibitor Assay Kit